

IMPROV TRAINING: The Second City Detroit 

WHY I TEACH IMPROV: “I love being able to share the concepts of basic improv with students who have no idea what to expect. I get to experience, first hand, the laughter, imaginative brilliance, and social benefits they get from it. I wish The Improv Project had been around when I was in school!”

EXPERIENCE: Dave has been an actor and improviser for over 25 years, and is an adjunct professor in Wayne State University’s theatre department. Dave has written and directed numerous shows at Planet Ant Theatre where he is a member of the Home Team. Dave has designed and led improv workshops for all ages, ranging from first graders to seniors. He has also performed at theaters across metropolitan Detroit, Canada, and Puerto Rico. Dave is a member of SAG-AFTRA and can be seen on screen, most recently in the Comedy Central series Detroiters.

Dave serves on The Detroit Creativity Project’s artistic advisory group. He has been instrumental in developing our applied improv syllabus that focuses on building skills for academic and career success. Prior to his performing arts career, Dave was a product engineering designer at Ford Motor Company and copy writer at Real Integrated.